Thursday, March 13 (between 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m.) an operation is planned on the authentication server
which may cause connection issues on Sciencesconf
Registration and contribution deadline: June 8, 2023.
Acceptance: Stream to sea
Language: presentation support in English, presentation and discussions in French or English depending on the audience.
Meal :
Lunches and coffee breaks are covered by the organization. Thanks to University of Angers, GDR MACS, LARIS, and SFR Math-STIC;
Dinners of June 27 and 28 (dinner Gala) remains the responsibility of the participant.
Scope and Topics
SWIM aims at gathering researchers working on/with interval methods and their applications. The goal is to review the state-of-the-art in this field. Contributions can be for example in the domain of
Verification and Validation
Robust and Nonlinear Control Systems
State Estimation
Interval Observer Design
Parameter Identification
Fault Detection and Diagnosis, Fault Tolerant Systems
Stability, Reachability, Observability
Reliable Software Design
Verified Solution of Algebraic and Dynamic System Models
Verified Numerics and Scientific Computing
Linear Algebra
and any other applications of interval methods, verified numerics, and other related set-membership techniques (e.g: affine arithmetics, polytopes, etc).
Attendance and Contributions
As in previous years, theses days will mainly consist of the intervention of guest researchers and oral presentations selected from the submitted contributions (~20 minutes). Submission of an abstract of one to two double column pages in English and in pdf format..
Authors with accepted abstracts will be informed about an expected publication of the proceedings of extended papers of SWIM 2023 (after the closing of SWIM 2023).
Nicolas Delanoue, Sébastien Lagrange, Sébastien Lahaye, Rémy Guyonneau, Marie-Françoise Gérard et Franck Mercier